Impact Notes: Weds March 20, 2024

STBC Family and Friends,

I am looking forward to immersing ourselves in the scriptures this evening to be reminded of the way Jesus suffered under a biased and unrighteous legal system. We will see how Jesus faced and endured 7 Unjust Trials in a slanted legal system. 

We know that Jesus’ unjust suffering was not just for politicalreasons, but it was mainly for prophetic fulfillment. It’s so daunting to consider how Jesus  fulfilled scripture during His entire life, yet alone during the last hours of His earthly existence (Acts 4:27-28, 13:27; I Corinthians 2:8).

The Bible says in Isaiah 53:7 that Jesus was led as a silent lamb to the slaughter. The Bible also says in Isaiah 50:6 that Jesus gave His back to those who struck Him, and His cheeks to those who plucked out His beard. He did not hide His face from shame and spitting. 

Jesus the Just One suffered for the unjust (IPeter 3:18) in an unjust legal system because it was the only way He could justify us and save us from our sins. Is anybody glad Jesus went through what He went through so that we wouldn’t have to? This is why the gospel is indeed good news!

You will find the notes attached for this evening’s Bible study. I’ll see you at the church at 6:30pm CST or Facebook Live for those who can’t make it. Be sure to bring your children and teens out for a time of relevant discipleship from the word of God! 


Pastor Chris